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The cross, actually a plus sign, can be made completely intuitively. Nevertheless, it is very important to do it fast in order to get a good solving time. After a week practice, you should be able to get to at most 10 seconds. A solution to the cross can always be found in 8 moves or less. I recommend starting with the same color every time. Most people prefer white, because it stands out. Now the real speedcubers make that cross on the bottom, which seems a little weird, but it helps in looking ahead to the second layer.
You actually only need four simple algoritms:
- put the front-bottom sticker on top-front
moves will appear here
- put the front-top sticker on top-front (flip the edge)
moves will appear here
- put the front-right sticker on top-front
moves will appear here
- put the front-left sticker on top-front
moves will appear here
This looks like one of the best tutorials. Thank you, I’m being trying to learn to complete this thing seriously for a week and haven’t had much luck finding a tutorial where it is explained intelligently.
Thanks for this tutorial. I just bought my first Rubik’s cube yesterday and I started searching the web for tutorials. This is by far the best I have found.
Good job!
ik heb gisteren mijn eerste cube gekregen toen ben ik direct naar tutorials gaan zoeken dit zijn echt de beste
i hope it will help me to solve that thing
Thank you very much for your tutorial. I am going to get my first Rubik’s cube tomorrow. I think your teaching is by far the best. I am glad that I found your website. Thank you again for your excellent work.
so far progress appears nearer! let me say thanks in advance
actually front bottom sticker, top front, front right etc this means what.. what position s this
i could not understand. its veryvery very fast……………………….
Can you kindly explain on what you mean by front bottom or front left sticker?
What is side-side, like front-down or bottom-left?